Isnin, Mei 25, 2009

my bEsDAy....

hri nie hapi coz my besday...

peace happy

thx for all my frez n teacher ALIAH coz wish...
xpe wish pun sy brsyukur krana ada jugak owg yg mngigati sye...

thanks for the wish

thx to MY FAMILY ...coz...
wish n kasi hdiah ske sgt...hehehe....

thx to FATIN & RAIDATU...coz...
kasi prezen kt sy...FATIN kasi prezen jam tido n RAIDATU kasi
rantai yg dye wt sndiri...
(sowi xdpt nk tnjuk gmbr prezen pe...)

bribu batu temenung

[umm..mrenung...kini AKU telah 15 yg AKU prlu brubah??? ]

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~hidup muzik only~